Resources we've written
Educational Resources for Community Conduct/Creating Safe Spaces
Introduction to IRC
Intro to Python, April 6 - Recap
Barbara Shaurette
This one-day workshop covered some computing and programming concepts, then launched straight into the basics of the Python programming language. Read more →
Get Your Mac Ready for Python Programming
A PDX PyLady
For a beginner, by a beginner: I'll explain what each line of code is doing so you can learn a little bit about working with a command line interface in the process. Read more →
Other Resources we like
Have a recommendation? Suggest it!Web Development
Django is one of the most popular web frameworks. It’s a great option if you want to use Python to build web apps. Start with the official Django polls tutorial or the Django Girls blog tutorial. Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices For Django 1.11 was co-written by one of the co-founders of PyLadies!
Some popular Django hosting options:
- Webfaction
- Heroku and Getting Started with Django from Heroku: A tutorial using Django and deploying with Heroku. Assumes some knowledge of virtual environments.
- OpenShift
- Google App Engine
Other web frameworks
Experiment with all of them! Here are a few links to get you started.
Are you interested in doing a women’s Python workshop of your own in your city? Email any of the organizers and we’ll help you get the word out. Here are some resources:
Workshops for Women
Workshops are just one part of PyLadies' effort to increase the female count in the Python world. PyLadies is a community of female developers who care about helping other women get into Python.
We plan to put together a package of materials to help you build your own local women’s Python community. We’ll be posting a “PyLadies Kit” here soon.
PyLadies, PyCon, and You
This document is curated by PyLadies and shared with the entire Python community.
PyCon Talk Proposals and CFP
PyCon 2018 Call for Proposals (CFP)
PyCon 2018 Important Dates
A list of important dates, including financial aid, can be found on the PyCon website.
- Tutorials CFP deadline: November 24, 2017
- Talk, Poster, and Education Summit CFP deadline: January 3, 2014
- CFP Poster Close: November 1, 2014
Financial Aid
- Financial aid application opens: October 23, 2017
- Financial aid application closes: February 15, 2018.
Choose your own speaking adventure
PyCon offers many opportunities for speaking:
- Formal, traditional spaces:
- talks (30 minutes, a few 45 minute slots)
- tutorials (3 hours of interactive teaching)
- lightning talks (bitesized talks of 5 minutes each)
- posters (an opportunity to talk one on one with others)
- And the informal spaces:
- Birds of a Feather sessions (BoFs)
- sprints
- open spaces
- the ever popular hallway track
Whatever you choose, remember “your” Python experiences, whether beginner, advanced or somewhere in between, are valuable. Please consider sharing “your” voice with the community.
Official resources and links from PyCon
- Topics and Advice
- Speaker Mentors are available! Indicate your interest on your Speaker Profile when you submit your proposal.
- PyCon links to Brandon Rhodes’s example proposals
- Speaker support of awesomeness, Julie Pagano
- CR@P I’M SPEAKING AT [insert conference here]! How do I prepare?, Lynn Root
- Pro tips for conference talks, Craig Kerstiens
- 25 minutes is a …, Ned Batchelder
- Presentation tips: entertain, educate, practice, Ned Batchelder
- You would make an awesome speaker, We Are All Awesome
- How to become a public speaker in 1 year, Catt Small
- Public Speaking for Nerds, Barbara Shaurette
Watching talks for inspiration
- “You can be a speaker at PyCon” by Anna Ravenscroft (PyCon 2013)
- “PyLadies Remote: Your First Conference Proposal” by Lacey Williams Henschel (PyLadies Remote 2016)
Past PyCon talks can be found at
Crafting a good talk proposal
- “What your conference proposal is missing”, Sarah Mei
- “Conference prompts or how to submit proposals and influence people”, Noel Rappin
- “What I learned from reading 429 conference proposals”, Noel Rappin
Encouraging talk submissions
- How to encourage new speakers, We Are All Awesome
- Getting more women to submit talk proposals, PyLadies blog post
Tutorials and How-tos
- Learn Python The Hard Way
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Intermediate Python
- Introduction to Twisted: A thorough introduction to Twisted and Asynchronous programming in Python.
- Code School’s Try Python: A free online tutorial for learning Python with Code School.
- tryGit: Learn Git with GitHub& Code School’s new tutorial.
- Model, View, Controller explained.
- Basic Python Syntax Tutorial. (Helpful for both new to programming in general, and new to Python with prior programming experience).
- Online Python Tutor: Learn & Practice programming in your browser.
- Python Puzzles: Puzzles to solve using Python, by the Boston Python Workshop (solutions included)
User Groups
A great way to continue learning Python is to work on your own, then attend presentations and ask questions at local user groups. Attend as many as you can!
- Python groups on
- list of local user groups
If you are unable to find a local group, you can still communicate with people around the world on the #pyladies IRC channel, on FreeNode.
- Guide to getting started on IRC
IRC is a great way to get in touch with open source developers around the world. Here’s a guide to setting up an IRC nickname and joining the friendly #pyladies channel, a great way to get familiar with how IRC works.
- Python Weekly is a free weekly newsletter all about Python (articles, news, jobs, etc).
- Pycoders Weekly is a free weekly python newsletter for Python developers by Python developers (Project, Articles, News, and Jobs).
Code checking using PEP-8 + PyFlakes: Are you writing code according to the standard Python guidelines? Have no idea? Try out this library Logr: Simple Python blogger Git Legit: Git for Humans
Text Editors
- gEdit (Linux & Mac OS X)
- Notepad++ (Windows)
- Sublime (Windows, Max OS X, and Linux)
- Sublime for Python and Web Developers: How to squeeze more power out of one of the most popular, light weight text editors for Python.
- Sublime Short cuts: Learn to get more out of the latest text editor.
- More “advanced” editors are emacs, vim (although @audreyr knows how to use both of those pretty well and still swears by gEdit for everything)
- PyCharm
- Eclipse with PyDev plugin
- Wingware
Highly recommended Python package tools
- pip: better installation of packages.
- virtualenv: create isolated Python environments
- virtualenvwrapper: make virtualenv easier to use.
Speaking at PyCon, DjangoCon, etc
Speaking at conferences about Python is a great way to give back to the community with your own knowledge.
- We Are All Awesome: hosts IRC office hours to help women speakers.
- Protips on Conference Talks: Thinking about giving a talk at a conference? Here is some great advice on how to rock it!